When most people think of Colorado hikes, they think of lots of trees and 360-degree views galore, but there is also a darker side to the great outdoors that fewer people realize. Take, for instance, this haunted Colorado hike that will make you want to run for the hills.
Located just south of Loveland is that of Carter Lake; a popular three-mile-long, one-mile-wide lake that hides a dark and morbid secret.Known for its trails, fishing, boating, and rock climbing, Carter Lake is crowded throughout most of the year by not only outdoor enthusiasts, but by alleged spirits as well.As the story goes, a man by the name of Bennet lived in the area some 100 years ago and met his fate in the most tragic of ways.Due to a land dispute, Bennet is said to have been shot and killed along one of the roads, but – despite meeting his demise in the most horrible of ways – never really left his home.According to numerous Carter Lake visitors, Bennet can still be seen around the premise, so keep your eyes peeled for the shadow of a man in old fashioned clothes who seemingly disappears whenever approached.Have you experienced anything weird near Carter Lake? We want to hear about it in the comments!