All posts by Chandra Hall
Start Early and Live Happily Ever-after
As storybooks go, the character is introduced, they meet their love interest, a villain thwarts their intentions, true love overcomes, they marry and live happily ever-after. It’s a very familiar formula. Similarly, there is a formula that couples follow in real life. They go to college, get a good job, rent a home, fall in […]
Halloween Safety
Outdoor Kitchen
Out of clutter, find simplicity
Now Is A Good Time
It's Not Just the Tax Benefits
When the standard deduction for married couples filing jointly was increased from $12,700 to $24,000 for 2018, there was some speculation that the bloom was off the rose of homeownership. The thought was that if the tax benefits from being able to deduct the property taxes and interest was less than the standard deduction, that […]