There is increasing difficulty for first-time home buyers to save for their down payment as indicated in the graph. Several factors that contribute to this trend include rising rents, rising home prices, student loan debt and flat wages. Some would-be buyers feel they cannot buy a home today but a large part of those decisions […]
All posts by Chandra Hall
Don't Have a CLUE?
If you haven’t heard of a CLUE report, it has nothing to do with the table game searching for a murderer. It is a report showing the insurance claims on your home and car for the past five to seven years. This database is used by insurance companies to evaluate risks and determine rates. C.L.U.E. […]
Emergency Kit for the Car
Mickey Mantle said “If I knew I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.” Similarly, if people planning their summer travel knew they were going to have an emergency, they would have the right things available. Only 5% of drivers carry all recommended emergency supplies in their cars. The […]
What Can You Expect?
Businesses must treat customers fairly if they expect to do business with them again or get recommendations to their friends. Customers of stores like Nordstrom’s understand that a salesperson is an employee and represents the company. The line becomes less clear in some industries, especially ones that involve real estate. Agency is a legal relationship […]
Hands-Only CPR
Hands-only CPR can save lives. The American Heart Association states that “Almost 90% of people who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrests die. CPR, especially if performed in the first few minutes of cardiac arrest, can double or triple a person’s chance of survival.” Most people who survive a cardiac emergency are helped by a bystander. […]
Must Be This Tall to Ride
Surely, you remember being a child at an amusement park when after having stood in line with your friends and family, waiting to get on a terrific ride, you discovered the sign that read, “you must be this tall to ride.” Not only was it disappointing, it was slightly embarrassing. You never want to go […]
Would-be Buyers with Student Debt
59% of non-owners are not comfortable taking on a mortgage with their student debt according to the Aspiring Home Buyers 2017 survey. It is estimated that the college graduates have an average of $37,172 in student debt. Fannie Mae, who has loan programs with as little as three to five percent down payments, has announced […]
Good Info – Good Decisions
While low inventory is certainly challenging buyers, not having a clear understanding of mortgage financing is also causing issues. By having good information, they are able to make better decisions as well as compete favorably. Most buyers don’t realize how the mortgage rate is determined for a borrower. While annual income is important, a good […]
Reasons to Refinance
Regardless of the reason to refinance a home, the basic question to ask is: “Do you plan to live in the home long enough to recapture the cost of refinancing?” There are always expenses involved in refinancing which can be paid in cash or rolled into the new mortgage. From a strictly financial standpoint, the […]
Indecision May Cost More
“More has been lost due to indecision than was ever lost to making the wrong decision.” Interest rates have as much effect on housing costs as price and when they are both trending upward, it can be very expensive to wait. There can be some legitimate reasons for postponing a purchase such as needing to […]